WhatsApp has revolutionised communication by providing users with a wide range of features, including voice and video calling. However, there might be times when you prefer to disable calling for various reasons. Whether you’re looking to minimise distractions or conserve data, WhatsApp offers the option to turn off calling while still benefiting from its messaging capabilities.
- Launch the WhatsApp application on your smartphone.
- Ensure that you are using the latest version of the app to access the most up-to-date settings.
- Tap the three dots in the upper-right corner of the screen to open the menu.
- From there, select “Settings.”
- Within the Settings menu, choose “Account” and then “Privacy.”
- Under the “Privacy” section, you’ll find an option labelled “Voice Calls” or “Call Permissions.”
- Tap on this option to proceed.
- Depending on your preference, you can choose to restrict calling from specific contacts or completely disable calling for everyone.
- If you select “My Contacts,” only those in your address book can call you on WhatsApp.
- After selecting your preferred option, the changes will be applied immediately.
- Those who fall outside the chosen category will either be restricted from calling you or be completely unable to do so.
- By following these simple steps, you can easily disable calling in WhatsApp and tailor your messaging experience to suit your needs.
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